Stock Code:300371
Water Conservancy Customer References
Customer References Water Conservancy Customer References
Project of Water Diversion & Transfer Metering in Laluo Water Control

The meters can realize the accurate positive measurement from the starting position of tunnel to the downstream.

*Take the product actually used as the criterion

Technical Parameters

Laluo Water Control Project is located in Shajia County, Shigatse, Tebit, on the main stream of Xiabuqu River which is a tributary on the right bank of Brahmaputra. The buildings of the project are composed of sandy gravel dam with an asphalt-concrete core wall, tunnel for flood discharge and power generation, spillway, Laluo power station, fish pass structure, irrigation diversion tunnel, pressure forebay, forebay overflow gap, penstock and Derow power station, etc. The construction of tunnel for flood discharge and power generation, water diversion, flood discharge and power generation are integrated. Moreover, there may be insufficient pipes in the tunnel for flood discharge and power generation according to the water volume in different seasons and the actual use of regulated water volume.<\/span><\/p>"},{"title":"Advantages","content":"

Laluo Water Control Project and Irrigation District Administration requires that the meters should realize the accurate positive measurement from the starting position of tunnel to the downstream, and the measurement accuracy should be class 0.5. According to actual situation of sites, 2 sets of SCL-9 multi-channel ultrasonic flowmeters (8-channels, a meter in use and a spare one) of Huizhong were finally selected. According to the complex conditions of the sites, our company conducted repeated discussions with customers on the selection of installation positions and layout of sonic channels, and formulated the most optimal solution.<\/span><\/p>"},{"title":"Benefits","content":"

Due to the short construction period and heavy task, the installation personnel of Huizhong insisted on working at the installation position of water diversion tunnel under the circumstance of severe cold and oxygen deficiency, which was highly recognized by the customers and deepened the customers\u2019 understanding of our brand. At present, the sensors of 2 flowmeters have been installed and the installation of threading pipes is being in progress. <\/span><\/p>"}]

Support & Cooperation

Please contact us at any time if you have questions in product selection, material procurement, as well as business & technology cooperation.

Huizhong Instrumentation Co., Ltd. ICP:Ji ICP Bei No. 11006660-1 Company address:No.126 West Gaoxin Road, High Tech Industrial Zone, Tangshan, Hebei

Company telephone:400-612-5080 0315-3296878 3296898 Jgw Anbei No. 13024002000217