Stock Code:300371

Huizhong was Selected as National Enterprises Called “Little Giant”

Time:2020.12.11 Text Size: Large Medium Small Share:

Recently, the Ministry of Industrialization and Informatization published the list of “the Second Batch Enterprises Called “Little Giant” with the Characteristics of Professionalization, Refinement, Uniqueness and Innovation”, on which Huizhong was listed.

This is another award that Huizhong wins again after it was awarded as “Small and Medium-sized enterprises with the Characteristics of Professionalization, Refinement, Uniqueness and Innovation in Hebei Province” last year. To be on this list, the enterprise must have sustainable innovation ability, market competitiveness and brand influence. As a recognized technological innovation-based enterprise, Huizhong has shown outstanding advantages in innovation, scientific research, management and efficiency, and has gradually become an emerging force to promote the growth of regional economic competitiveness.

With full affirmation, Huizhong also realizes its responsibility. Huizhong will adhere to the development concept of “quality-oriented and innovation-oriented”, and improve its innovative ability and core competitiveness to strive to be the backbone of the high-quality development of the industry, enhancing the transformation and upgrading of the industry with its brand influence.


It is known that the standard of “professionalization, refinement, uniqueness and innovation” is a major project implemented by our country to guide small and medium-sized enterprises to take the road of “professionalization, refinement and uniqueness and innovation”, enhance independent innovative ability and core competitiveness, and then continuously improve their development quality and level. The listed enterprises are the outstanding ones in the small and medium-sized enterprises, and the leading enterprises with the focusing of market segmentation, strong innovative ability, high market share, key core technologies, as well as high quality and efficiency. Subsequently, Huizhong will get priority support in terms of capital, policy and environment, and accelerate itself to be a pilot enterprise under the guidance of our company.

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Huizhong Instrumentation Co., Ltd. ICP:Ji ICP Bei No. 11006660-1 Company address:No.126 West Gaoxin Road, High Tech Industrial Zone, Tangshan, Hebei

Company telephone:400-612-5080 0315-3296878 3296898 Jgw Anbei No. 13024002000217